Holiday Wine Recommendations
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Jace Wines
from theCelentino Family
Wild Gamebirds: Wild turkey, Cornish hen, duck, pheasant, goose. Traditionally, goose was the rage. For wild birds served with some form of citrus/apple notes, there’s nothing better with wild gamebirds than Pinot Bianco – we have two available, Pascolo and Ansitz Rynnhof. If, however, your bird is not a fruit-laced recipe, and you have feature the more savory version, we recommend Reverent Rosé – it’s the perfect complement to roast game bird.
Roast Meats:
Beef: if you’re serving beef, prime rib or roast, we suggest a bottle of Lagrein, or Nero D’Avola – both have the necessary acidity to cut through marbled roast, with complimentary finesse..
Game: deer, elk, boar – all call for Apropos or Rynn Cuvée. No questions asked. Ham:
Glazed Ham: Glazed ham is a unique animal, as you need both fruit and high acid to make the pairing complementary. We are fans of Pinot Bianco (Pascolo or Ansitz Rynnhof) and our DRY Gewurztraminer for a meal featuring honey-baked, glazed ham. Really, with the sweet potato accompaniment, there’s nothing better.
Savory or Smoked Ham: a more traditional mid-western smoked or baked ham sans glaze requires a wine with high acidity, bold flavor and earthy notes: here, we recommend the reds. If you want a lighter red that fits the bill, try Schiava. If you want more heft, Lagrein is a smoked ham wine, hands down.
Italian Fare: for anyone who is serving PASTA dishes with their meal – like Val did in during the Celentino kids’ college days – our Pertinent remains the best fruit-forward, bold and acidic wine for both red and white sauce. Just saying – fun to be Italian on TG.
Dessert: We still have a few bottles of our passito-style, slightly-sweet Italian red wine, Sciuscia, available. Pumpkin pie ala mode, apple pie, cheesecake, you name it, Sciuscia will kill with it. Consider, also, a bottle of our DRY Gewurztraminer – with its subtle spiciness, it’s decadently good with a homemade pumpkin pie, especially with cinnamon ice cream.